About Me

Hello, I'm Linda Cleary and I have had a lifelong interest in reflexology and other holistic practices and decided to train professionally as a Reflexologist with iTEC so that I could work as a practitioner and share my passion and knowledge. You can see my list of relevant qualifications and registrations below in this image - I am also on the NHS register. 

I also achieved a Certificate in Advanced Ayurvedic Facial Massage from a training with Tri-Dosha.

I'm so happy to be able to offer these wonderfully relaxing treatments to maximise your wellbeing.

I currently offer treatments at Penzance Natural Health Centre, Cornwall.



As well as holistic therapies I work professionally in the Arts as a Literary Consultant and I have various Creative Writing approaches that can benefit wellbeing, such as Creative Writing for Mindfulness and more.

If desired I am also able to offer Tarot for insight and reflection - using the images as another tool for wellbeing.